Version 0.1.9 Released!

Dear Aspra Corp Employees,

Greetings! I hope your October is going well! Having spent so long on the Version 0.1.8 Release, I wanted to get some major updates done in a much shorter time frame. Thus, Version 0.1.9 is Ready for your Judicious Review!

PLEASE NOTE: SAVE GAMES FROM VERSION 0.1.8 AND EARLIER ARE NOT COMPATIBLE! This update was focused on major system and structural changes; new code, functions and variables exist that did not exist before, and your current playthroughs, unfortunately, won't have what they need to continue. 

I apologize for this, and make a solemn vow that I will do everything in my power to limit these kind of updates. While Version 0.2.0 will follow on the heels of this update and also be systems focused, the remainder of Chapter 2 Missions and Chapter 2 Finale will not feature such things, so that you can focus on other concerns!

Let's talk UPDATES and what you can expect from Version 0.1.9:


  • The Breakroom is Fully Operational! Over 25 Passages have completed the Breakroom scenes, and new systems are in place that will grow (hint hint) as the player braves the rest of the Chapter 2 Missions.
  • The Inventory Page has received a Major Facelift! Not just a bunch of words on paper anymore, the paper doll system will show changes to your body along with the current equipment you're carrying! 
  • The NPC Page has been Implemented! Now you can keep track of your favorite (or hated) NPCs, their status, and when they might next pop back up...
  • And more!

Thank you to all who assist me in reviewing the game; I truly appreciate your time in making ACS:CM a better game! A special shout-out to Gambit2018 for their recent assistance and encouraging words; thank you!

A final note before the Nitty-Gritty; unlike updates that focus on Content, Systems/Syntax updates have more profound ripples throughout a game. While I can look at code and seek out major faults along with grammar/copy issues, some problems are not going to crop up until  folks get into situations I didn't plan or I haven't tested. 

Please, if you find a passage or a string of functions that throws an error (or doesn't react proper), please let me know and I'll get to fixing it!


  • The Breakroom Complete!
    • Vending Machine Implemented
      • Purchase Food whenever hunger strikes! New foods from healthy to nasty depending on what kind of urges are currently assaulting your stomach!
      • Food is timer based (once per mission) for both story and function reasons
      • Fun images edited and implemented (feel free to read the fine print on some of the packaging!)
    • Bathroom Scenes
      • Depending on the on-going changes, your character might have urges that drive them to the bathroom. Whatever the urge, be aware that there are consequences to what you partake in. 
    • Ask Norman Implemented
      • In a (new) world full of all kinds of nasty and weird surprises, Dr. Norman can be a guiding light! Feel free to pop in for a chat and ask the Good Doctor what's on your mind; the Doctor is IN!
      • Multiple new passages added with all sorts of oddities to speak to the Doctor About
      • New Achievement hidden in getting ALL of the Ask Norman passages in a single playthrough!
    • Radio Complete
      • Feel free to turn on some tunes while you cruise the Breakroom! Featuring Original Music made for ACS:CM
      • More songs to be added as the list of original work grows!
    • Mirror
      • Stop and take a moment to check out what's all going on with your body!
      • Additional levels to be added as Missions require higher levels of Transformation...
    • Clock
      • Now you can stop and take a moment to FREAK OUT over how little time you've got left to save the world! Ahh!!!
      • (This also means a time system has finally been implemented. To keep track of both overt and covert functions...)
    • Misc. Features such as random little oddities occurring while you're in the breakroom. 
  • Inventory Page Complete
    • 7 New Paper Doll Images (4 Implemented) for use with the new System
    • Now keeps track of your remaining Taser Charges
    • Equipment will grow and change with you
    • System truly prepared for Chapter 3, where switching out equipment will become a much bigger deal...
  • Achievement Pop-up Updated
    • Actual Structure put in place to make things (slightly) neater
    • Achievements are Global based and will unlock as you conduct multiple playthroughs! This is important, as you won't be able to unlock all Achievements on a single run!
    • Silly Draft Images put in place for now; will have an actual artist make good-looking ones in the future!
  • NPC Pop-Up Updated
    • Structure put in place to make things look (slightly) neater
    • Update as you progress with the known status of major players in the world of ACS:CM
    • Further improvements will occur as we approach Chapter 3!
  • Final Four Missions of Chapter 2
    • Groundwork prepared; links added to Dry Erase Board (though they don't go anywhere!)
    • Variable Updates for end of missions added to move the plot, timers and hidden features forward
  • Hundreds of minor improvements made throughout not only the Breakroom, but Chapter 1 and current Chapter 2 content!

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